Friday, December 7, 2012

Six Success at Super Sunday! - December 2, 2012

This past Sunday was our 5th Diller Workshop, which was also on Super Sunday. For this meeting, the overarching theme was the Diller pillar Tikun Olam, (in English, repairing the world,) which we explored in many different ways throughout the night. 
We began our workshop with the basics, some chatting, a riveting game of WAH!, and Avodat HaLev. We also received some delicious chocolates that Coral brought back from Israel for us and it only made us get even more excited that soon, we are all going to Israel together!!
The first thing we did relating to Tikun Olam was a text study with bible passages. The re-occurring theme, apparent in each text, was our overall responsibility in taking care of the earth, which expanded beyond different areas of work. We concluded that this is where the literal definition of the term, “Tikun Olam” comes from, but this sparked a discussion of what it truly means to perform this in a modern society, and if tilling the fields were the only things that G-d meant for us.

Then, as if on cue, we then went to a room with Jewish teens from all the programs to begin Super Sunday. (Oh and let’s not forget we received our super sassy Diller shirts which we rocked as we entered the room.) In the room, we learned about Super Sunday, the biggest fundraiser of the entire year for the Jewish federation. In this meeting, we saw all the amazing things that the federation was doing for Jews both in our community, and all throughout the world. A lot I these things really surprised us, things like feeding the elderly in the former Soviet Union, something I doubt any of us knew about before. From just this, we found just one of many ways to help fix the world. And then we got to actually do it.

We called people in the Jewish community to ask for donations, which became sort of a team sport. We all rooted each other on, and cheered when we received donations. We all got wrapped up in trying to get as much money as possible, and it was so nice to slow down for a second to remember that these funds we were working so hard to acquire were going to a really worthy cause.

Perhaps the highlight of the evening was when the beautiful and talented Leah showed up as her famed persona Daisy the Clown, and our very own Corey won a $700 tablet in the raffle.
Overall this workshop was really exciting and fun, but again, if you stop to think about any small moment of it, you will find a deeper meaning, a lesson that should be applied to everything we do.