July 22, 2012 - Carrying on our history...As leaders.

The Holocaust was a terrible tragedy and more and more
people should learn about it so that nothing like it happens again. Yad Vashem and Har Herzl were both very
emotional experiences. Our day began with a visit to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust memorial museum in Israel. Yad Vashem was designed in an
arch with the walls facing in, which is to make it feel like it is caving in on
us. At first, we watched a video that showed how the Jewish people were before
the holocaust. To walk through the building we went through a journey that
someone back then would have went through.
I learned many things, but one
thing that really stood out was that the yellow star that the Jewish people had
to wear which I learned was not only to make them stand out but also tell others that they have a type of disease
so others will stay away from them. Another thing that was really amazing was
we saw a room, that was covered in tons of pictures of people. Behind us, there was a well with water in it and when we
stared at the well, suddenly, we could barely see the reflection of the
faces. This symbolizes that once a person passes away, to remember them is to
tell their story to other people. At the end of the museum, we looked out and
saw Jerusalem. This moment was amazing because it represented time passing on
and after all we have been through this is what it has come to.
After Yad Vashem
we walked up to Har Herzl. Har Herzl
was amazing because we could see the graves of all of the soldiers that
passed away. Not only were they just soldiers, but they took it to the next
level and did something amazing for Israel. After the sad part of the day was
over we headed to a rose garden to eat lunch and debrief.
We all were talking about our experience we
just had while eating some lunch. After about three bites of my pasta we see a
random group of kids out of the corner of my eyes running. I thought they were
crazy to be running when it was so hot out. Then, as soon as we recognized it
was our Rishon Dillers approaching us, we all went running towards them. It was amazing, after all the passed time the bonds we made on the NAS were still there. This is just
the beginning of our time together and it has already been amazing. I can’t wait
to see what else is to come.
- Rachel Scheckman
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