Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 3: Bringing it to Reality - March 15, 2013

On day three of the NAS, we were forced to part from our Israelis for another agonizing day at school while they met up again at the JCC in West Orange.  Since we are already growing so much closer to our partners, it was nearly impossible to think or talk about anything other than Diller at school!  While the Americans learned and worked our little tuchas’ off at school, the Israelis participated in a fun day of learning about the Jewish community in Greater Metrowest, New Jersey.  They toured around the JCC and met with all sorts of people, from the elders to the nursery school children.  After exploring the JCC and enjoying a delicious lunch, they were beyond ecstatic for their first journey on an American yellow school bus.  (Can you imagine the excitement?!) Their next adventure brought them to temple B’nai Avraham where they heard an engaging speech about the synagogue and the lifestyle of an average Jewish American.

After a long and fun day, both the Israelis and Americans were more than thrilled to be reunited with each other for our first Shabbat together.  Each family took the free night to celebrate in a multitude of ways.  In my opinion, the most unique thing about our group is how varying we all are, yet we still are able to relate and appreciate our differences.  Some families took the opportunity to travel into the Big City, while others had a quiet and relaxing Shabbos dinner.  Either way, I think it’s easy to say that everyone had a remarkable time either traveling around New Jersey or reuniting with their partners.  After only three days, we feel so connected and open to each other and can only imagine how close Metro-Letzion Diller 6 will grow to be throughout the rest of our journey!
Tehenu vetenatzlu kol rega, make the best of the every minute!

-Juliet Felsen

Happy Birthday to our Amazing Israeli Junior Counselor, Lahav!

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