Friday, July 26, 2013

From Talk to Action!!! - July 25, 2013

Today we woke up bright and early to get to our respective places, whether that meant Kaytana (Day Camp) or Seminar. After a long night of dancing at the headphone party, a good night's rest was definitely needed. Once we got to the Kaytana we set up everything for the chanichim (campers), and started the last day of the camp. We brought in a drum circle specialist to entertain and teach the chanichim about music. It was clear that the kids were enjoying the treat, and maybe some of the counselors a little too much. 
After the drum circle sessions, we had a giant dance party. Everyone had a lot of fun, and it was actually a great way to say goodbye to the chanichim. Then there was the closing ceremony, and just like that, the kaitana was over. It's a bittersweet feeling because however exhausting the work is, it's really an amazing experience and you can see the impact you make on these kids.

After all of the chanichim from the Kaytana left for the last time, we separated into volunteering groups together with the chanichim of the Seminar. Some of us cleaned beaches, while others visited children at a hospital, or sold Israel pins to contribute to children at risk. It was a very rewarding exerience, and we also managed to laugh a lot and have fun. It was even more special because for the last three days, the Ethiopian chanichim of the the Seminar spent the past three days talking about Tikun Olam with the Dillers, and now, all the talk was put into action. When we were done volunteering, we all came back to the matnas and went to enjoy the rest of the evening with our host families. I, personally had an amazing night at the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer game!!

- Coby Bernstein

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