Tuesday, August 6, 2013

From 400 to 40 - August 5, 2013

After an incredible 5 days at Congress, Diller 6 said a heartfelt goodbye to our many new friends and departed for a much needed day of fun. We first went to an incredible Israeli water park located on the Jordan River for kayaking. After lunch, Diller 6 put on some oddly dirty life vests and boarded our kayaks for an hour of extreme wetness. We paired of into groups of 6 and the Jordan River turned into a battlefield.  Paddles were stolen, water was splashed, and Dillers were knocked off of rafts, but it was an incredible day. After departing from our war on the water, we showered in suspiciously dirty bathrooms and headed to Metula, one of the northern most parts of Israel and also home to Diller's Israeli director, Liat. The town of Metula lies right on the boarder of Lebanon, an area of extreme tension. But the people of Metula live peacefully with their Lebanese neighbors. While in Metula, we met Liat on the top of a mountain and experienced a beautiful view while Liat explained to us the history of the town in which she currently resides. Afterwords, we went to her home for a delicious meal that was much needed after a week of food at Givat Haviva. It was so amazing of her to welcome Metro-Lezion into her home and provide us with a relaxing night of fun and incredible views. Afterwords, we went to sleep outdoors at a campsite. It was a beautiful night to sleep under the stars and a great way to spend one of our final nights together. 

- Annabelle Hanflig

P.S. Shout out to my Mom, Dad, and cats! Also, shout out to Rayfo and Meital for being the most incredible JCs ever and to Leah for being the heart and soul of MetroWest. Tuna sends love to everyone!

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