Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yesterday to "Twoday"

Today, the Dillers went to Ellis Island. It was a pretty remarkable sight considering very few of us have been, even though it's very close to our homes.  While waiting for the ferry, we discussed what it was like to hide an identity as many changed their names and tried to assimilate when they came to the United States. We got to see the Statue of Liberty up close and tour around the Ellis Island museum with our tour guide, Rick.

As Dillers, we all learned and experienced the hard lives of the immigrants of the time. We learned that Charlie Chaplin almost didn't even make it into America! Officers at Ellis Island thought he was a lunatic because he walked up the stairs on his hands! Ha! After, we walked into the Lower East Side of New York City to experience Manhattan in your not-so-typical way! After a relaxing lunch in Battery Park, we trekked 2.5 miles to the Lower East Side. There, we did a very fun and exciting scavenger hunt. We got to find different food places that most people wouldn't even know existed in the city, as well as have an amazing time bonding with our friends. We visited a bialy bakery, a pickle store, a deli, a gelato shop, and more! I was in a group with Max Bruch, Alexa Smith, Greg Artman, Ross Levin, Paige Epstein, and Sarah Rogers. Together we conquered and won the challenge! Alexa even sold a bialy to a stranger on the street! It gave us an interesting perspective of what life was like for immigrants- especially our Jewish ancestors- from a culinary lens.

We also found out we will be going to ISRAEL for certain!!! It was another amazing day with 19 of my closest friends and I can't wait for many more to come!
-Sophie Wainberg/DJ Wain Wain

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