Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Differing Perspectives Bring Us Closer Together

My most memorable experience during the North American Seminar was the Shabbaton with the Israelis. We spent 48 hours in a cabin with 45 other people. During that time, I not only became friends with all of the Israelis, but I also made a stronger bond with my fellow Diller members from Greater MetroWest. The Shabbaton enabled me to make lifetime friends that would usually take me several months or years with which I could create connections.

Being in a small cabin with 45 other people, gave me the opportunity to talk with many people from the Rishon Cohort. I got to know some of the Israelis really well. I engaged in some very interesting conversations about life in Israel vs. life in America. I talked about many other things with the Israelis that changed some of my opinions and views about Israelis. One of the activities that we did during the Shabbaton was a bead activity that allowed all of us to express our views of Judaism and Israel. During this activity, I got to see some of the views and beliefs of Judaism and Israel through the eyes of an Israeli and that fascinated me. We had some similar and different beliefs of course. This activity showed me how people that live in Israel and outside of Israel differ in their perspectives.

During the Shabbaton, I was not only able to connect to the Israelis, but also fortify my relationship with the Greater MetroWest members. I was able to make a stronger connection with the members than I do with most of my friends. I had never felt closer to the Cohort until this Shabbaton. I can safely say that the Greater MetroWest Cohort is my family. And this is the only time I have ever said this about anyone else. I am able to have deep conversations with everyone in the cohort, which is something that I cannot do with most people. Before the Shabbaton, everyone in the Greater MetroWest Cohort were my friends, but after the Shabbaton, they became my family.

The Shabbaton with the Israelis during the North American Seminar was my most memorable experience. I was able to make new friends and a new family. The Shabbaton really changed my views of the world and myself. Those 48 hours at the tiny cabin was one of the best times of my life.

-Jacob Turteltaub

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